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The Book of John Chapter 6 | Part 1

Pastor Josh Denham

Pastor Josh’s study on John 6 explores the feeding of the 5,000, a significant miracle illustrating both Jesus’ compassion and His divine authority. Jesus asks the disciples to feed the crowd, testing their faith, even though they had limited resources. Despite the disciples’ inability to meet the needs, Jesus multiplies five loaves and two fish, providing more than enough for everyone. Pastor Josh emphasizes that we, like the disciples, often bring little to the table, but God uses what we surrender to Him. This passage calls believers to trust in God’s provision and to serve as humble messengers of His grace, knowing that He can do the miraculous.

In this lesson, Pastor Josh examines John 6, focusing on Jesus feeding the 5,000. The miracle demonstrates Jesus’ compassion and divine power. Pastor Josh highlights that, although the disciples lacked resources, Jesus provided abundantly. The story encourages believers to trust in God’s provision and reminds us that we are merely messengers of His grace, not the source of it.