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The Book of John Chapter 1 | Part 3

Pastor Josh Denham

In his Wednesday Night Bible Study Pastor Josh delves into the spiritual insights from the Book of John, specifically focusing on the early chapters that highlight the unique ministry of John the Baptist as a herald for the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ.

As he transitions into the scriptural lesson, Pastor Josh focuses on John the Baptist’s role as outlined in John 1. He highlights how John the Baptist consistently denied being the Messiah, Elijah, or the prophet like those foretold in Deuteronomy 18, instead identifying himself solely as “the voice of one crying in the wilderness,” quoting Isaiah. This humility and clear mission to prepare the way for Jesus are central themes of the discussion.

Pastor Josh points out that John’s recognition of Jesus as “the Lamb of God,” which references the sacrificial lamb imagery found throughout scripture, including significant Old Testament passages like Genesis 22 and the prophetic writings of Isaiah 53. These passages illustrate the concept of Jesus as a sacrificial lamb who takes away the sins of the world, fulfilling Old Testament prophecies and establishing a new covenant between God and humanity.

The discussion concludes with an emphasis on personal reflection and spiritual readiness, urging the congregation to adopt John the Baptist’s example of leading others to Christ rather than seeking personal glory. This message serves as a call to live out one’s faith actively and humbly within the community and beyond.

This detailed exploration of John the Baptist’s life and ministry provides viewers with a deeper understanding of the biblical texts and encourages personal engagement with the scripture in preparation for the coming of Christ, reinforcing the themes of humility, service, and community support.

In his Wednesday Night Bible Study Pastor Josh dives into the Book of John, focusing on John the Baptist’s ministry as a precursor to Jesus Christ. He emphasizes how John the Baptist denied being the Messiah, Elijah, or the prophet, instead calling himself “the voice of one crying in the wilderness,” referencing Isaiah. Pastor Josh underscores John’s recognition of Jesus as “the Lamb of God,” connecting it to the sacrificial lamb imagery from Genesis 22 and Isaiah 53. This teaching concludes with a call for humility, service, and preparation for Christ, encouraging the congregation to follow John the Baptist’s example by leading others to Jesus.