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The Book of John Chapter 6 | Part 3

Pastor Josh Denham

In this study of John 6, Pastor Josh delves into the motives behind seeking Jesus. He contrasts the crowds who sought Jesus for physical sustenance with the disciples who witnessed His divine power. Jesus declares Himself the “bread of life,” urging people to seek eternal sustenance in Him. Pastor Josh emphasizes that many seek Jesus for temporary benefits, but true faith requires a heart that seeks Him as Savior and Lord. The study encourages believers to examine their motives and focus on a relationship with Christ that brings eternal life and fulfillment.

Pastor Josh explores the distinction between seeking Jesus for who He is versus seeking Him for what He can provide. In John 6, Jesus challenges the crowds, emphasizing that true faith is about believing in Him as the “bread of life.” Pastor Josh encourages believers to pursue a genuine relationship with Christ rather than focusing on worldly benefits.